Bob Craig
If this whirlwind represents what your day feels like as you’re going through it, you need to sit
down and get a plan, a framework to execute your most important things. Just
because you’re moving fast and you’re all over the place does not mean you’re
actually going somewhere.
Denis Waitley, known for his Psychology of Winning, said “People waste most of their waking hours every day going through the motions, chatting idly, shuffling paper, putting off decisions, reacting, majoring in minors and concentrating on trivia. They spend their time in low priority tension relieving, rather than high priority goal-achieving activities.”
Stephen Covey would describe it as being caught up ‘in the thick of thin things.’ So you’re busy, you’re tired out at the end of the day, but when you look back, what did you actually do that made a difference? Stop the whirlwind and get a new plan Stan, to accomplish the important things and to keep your main things the main thing.
Wow Bob, You really nailed this one! What a different world we would live in if we stopped the whirlwind and concentrated on only value-add actions.
Posted by: Jonena | March 15, 2013 at 07:42 PM