Jonena Relth, TBD Consulting
Our leadership bloggers, Mike and Jan from PeopleTek, posted an article that really resonated with me so I’d like to elaborate. The post, Top Companies - Top Leaders provides the list compiled by Fortune Magazine surveying 277,000 employees who were asked to rate management credibility, job satisfaction, camaraderie, pay and benefits, hiring practices, communication, recognition, and diversity.
The 10 most common answers were no surprise to any of us who follow transparent leadership methodologies, but my favorite “extra” was learning that one CEO posts his/her personal development plan for all employees to see and track results.
This leader ROCKS in my world!
So, are you brave enough to post your personal development plan for all your employees to see:
- What you don’t know now but are trying to learn?
- How they are being led by someone who might not be as knowledgeable as they presumed?
- What you feel is important for you to become a better leader?
And…oh yeah…
- That you’re not perfect, all knowing, etc.?
Trust me, most leaders would be scared to death to let their employees and peers reach into their secret little minds and learn the real truth about them. But folks, we need to become more transparent so the people around us will do the same.
Once we all become transparent, we can begin helping each other grow and our companies and people will benefit socially, personally, professionally and financially. Can’t beat that!
Drum Roll Please: Who will be the first person to step up and comment below to say, “Yes, I will post my personal development goals for all to see. I will begin the process encouraging transparency within my organization.” I dare ya!
BTW: We've done this at my company, and no one left because they thought their leaders were dummies! The opposite is true. We all know that it is safe to let others know what we need. By helping each other, we all grow into a more cohesive team.
Other Reading of Interest:
7 Steps to Transparent Leadership - Creating a Culture of Trust by Maynard Brusman.
TBD Consulting has a 21-year, proven track record for ensuring employee performance improvement which translates to employee performance success. Whether you need help developing an in-house training organization, create a Lean Academy, or simply need "extra hands" to meet your deadlines or ROI goals, please contact Jonena. She and her qualified staff are here to assist you with your organizational development, coaching and training initiatives.
Corporate Office 602-263-1961. Email Jonena today!
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