Focused Leadership is a book which provides you a synopsis of the approach I diligently crafted, refined and applied in order to get the leadership results I desired over my 30-year career leading large and small organization in Fortune 500 companies as well venture capital backed start-ups. InFocused Leadership I have incorporated a series of informative and concise discussions regarding my leadership approach, which I now call the “10-Step Approach to Leading and Winning”.
Read Step 1: Leading with Intention, Not Authority
Read Step 2: Envision the End at the Start
Step 3: Articulate Your Vision, Repeatedly
Step 4: Don't Allow Bumps in the Road Distract You
Although I spent only five years directly practicing my craft as an electrical engineer, it is my engineering training that laid the foundation from which I see and manage my world. However, coming in at a close second are the tactical planning and project execution skills I developed during 10 years of program and project management assignments.
One rule that I would establish with my program teams at the onset of each new challenge would always be “let’s not allow bumps in the road to distract us.” In the tactical world of leadership, it’s all about knowing where the trees are located but not getting lost in the forest. A good project or business plan will include all of the activities required to successfully achieve its objectives. The plan will also take into account all of the known “bumps” that may be encountered along the road to success.
But, experience has taught me that it’s the “known-unknowns” which surface at the worst times that create the most distraction and add the most risk to completing all aspects of the project on schedule and within budget. From my perspective, “known-unknowns” are things that are predictable but not predicted and not accounted for in your current financial or human resource plans.
I have found that the best way to be prepared to minimize the distraction and potential impact that may be caused by tactical surprises is to maximize communications at all levels of your organization. The sooner you, as the leader, are aware that something unsuspecting is lurking, the sooner you can assess the potential impact and adjust all activities that might be affected accordingly.
I recall being told by a mentor and seasoned program manager that “the most welcomed partner of anything which has a mission of causing havoc to a set of the best laid plans is the lack of open, honest and timely communications among all who are involved.”
Step-4 of the Focused Leadership approach to becoming a more effective leader emphasizes the need to create a workplace environment which clings to a robust culture of open, honest and timely communications.
Don't Allow Bumps in the Road Distract You
Earl Cobb is the author of "Focused Leadership: What You Can Do Today to Become a More Effective Leader", and an American “rags-to-riches” success story. Through his hard work, dedication and faith, Earl has forged an accomplished career as a systems engineer, project/program manager, and gifted entrepreneur. He is also a highly respected senior management executive. He has enjoyed over twenty-five years of success within Fortune 100 companies including Honeywell, Inc., Motorola, Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank. He is the former President and CEO of MedContrax, Inc.
You can contact Earl at [email protected]. You can find his website at
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